The Government is not on track to meet objectives to increase rates of active travel by 2025.
Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown intervenes in a debate to raise concerns that the Rental Reform Bill will reduce the number of rental properties available, and therefore increase the price of rent, which is a real problem for young people.
Following the Secretary of State for Education’s statement on the steps being taken to respond to the risk of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC), Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown backs the decision to close schools where necessary and asks that the 600 priority schools be surveyed as quickly as possible so that all schools can then be surveyed for RAAC.
Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown calls on Ministers to overturn the decision to withdraw General Licence 43 for shoots releasing gamebirds on special protection areas and to address the problems that farmers are having in transferring to the new mid-tier countryside stewardship scheme.