20 February 2007
New Bridge layout gets green light from Clifton-Brown.

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown today offered his support for Gloucestershire Highways efforts to calm traffic crossing Wiltshire Bridge, and entering Tetbury up Silver Street.

Mr Clifton-Brown has taken a very active role in establishing a Traffic Calming Scheme; having visited Tetbury, meeting on site with local residents, Members of the Town and Parish Councils and members of staff from Gloucestershire Highways, as pictured above.

He said:
“I am confident that this scheme will calm traffic entering Tetbury, and offer my enthusiastic support. I have been assured that this plan will reduce vehicle speeds, and deter heavy goods vehicles from entering Tetbury from this direction. It is paramount that pedestrians will be safer as a result, and the Highways Department have assured me this is the case.”

Local campaigner and resident, Richard Apps, said:
“We appreciate Mr Clifton-Brown’s support to achieve a speedier outcome for the town. Mr Clifton-Brown has been very proactive, and without his input I doubt we would have had the necessary focus on this issue”.