27 February 2007
Cotswolds MPs, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, David Cameron and Peter Luff today expressed their delight that Network Rail have given the green light to multi-million pound improvements to the Cotswolds rail lines.

At a meeting with senior figures from Network Rail, Mr Cameron, Mr Luff and Mr Clifton-Brown were told that Network Rail are committing £150,000 for a feasibility study into doubling the Cotswolds line from Oxford to Worcester. The same amount has also been committed to exploring the doubling the rail line from Kemble to Cheltenham. The Board of Network Rail will make their decision in December. The MPs present pledged to maintain pressure on Network Rail to ensure that the doubling effort succeeded.

Mr Clifton-Brown said:
“This is excellent news for commuters and train users on the Moreton-in-Marsh and Kemble lines. For too long they’ve had to put up with increased fares and poor service. At long last they have the prospect of looking forward to faster, and more punctual trains. As part of these improvements, I will continue to press for the reopening of Chipping Campden station.”

Member of Parliament for Witney, David Cameron added:
“I had a very interesting meeting with Network Rail, who are looking at doubling sections of the Cotswold Line. I know this is going to take a long time, but importantly it is on the agenda. Together with my fellow MPs whose constituents use the Cotswold Line, I will keep pushing on this issue.”

Peter Luff, the MP for Mid Worcestershire said:
“This is the best news for rail travellers in a long time. After our group meeting, I had a further meeting with local representatives of Network Rail who reinforced their commitment to further improvements along the line. As current performance levels are woefully inadequate I am delighted by this news.”