22 February 2011
With the Big Society back on the political agenda, following a speech last week by the Prime Minister David Cameron, a visit to one of the largest and most successful community run shops in Britain could not have come at a more opportune moment for Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, MP for the Cotswolds, and Lord Colwyn, Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords, who lives in the Blockley Parish in Gloucestershire, on Friday 11 February.

The award winning shop and café has been run in Blockley for nearly three years and currently has an annual turnover of around £500,000 per year. The shop is owned by a co-operative with 580 members and is run by a professional Manager and a Management Committee consisting of volunteers who bring a wide range of skills and experience to the project. The shop employs 17 local staff and supports 20 local suppliers bringing over £100,000 a year in wages into the village.

The lease on the shop’s current premises runs out in 2013 and the Management Committee is currently working on proposals to build a new shop within Blockley. The new premises would eradicate the shop’s tenancy problems and reduce their overheads substantially.

A new site for the shop has been identified, which appears ideal. The plans for this new shop would incorporate green technology, use local materials and enhance the conservation area in which it would be built.

After the visit Mr Clifton-Brown observed, “The Blockley Village shop is the essence of the Big Society. It is a fantastically well run enterprise, controlled by volunteers and owned by the locals, providing the community with wonderful local produce and a Post Office Outreach service. The shop provides a priceless service as a hub for the people of Blockley and it acts as a focal point for information, support and social interaction within the community.”

“It is one of the most successful ventures of its type in the country, the Manager, Chris Grimes, and the Management Committee, Chaired by Margaret Bryan, have worked incredibly hard to have taken the shop this far, and I pay tribute to their success. However, in its current location it has no long term security and, out of necessity, will need to find a new location to continue its business.”

“The Management Committee has identified a new location for the shop, however, I am aware that concerns have been aired over the fact that it will be built in a conservation area.”

“I fully support the Management Committee’s proposals and I have undertaken with the Committee to work with them and Lord Colwyn to work around these concerns and I am determined to try to bring about a successful solution.”

“Planning rules, in the past, have been too strict and I hope that Cotswold District Council will show a more flexible approach in this case. It is vital that everything must be done to support this successful venture and I trust that the Council will be mindful of the forthcoming Localism Bill and will empower local people over planning decisions that affect all of their lives.”

Commenting on the visit to the village shop Lord Colwyn said “The Village shop is an integral part of the local community. The shop is a wonderful venture and has been a runaway success.”

“The idea of a community coming together to own and run the local shop is one of the principles on which the Big Society will be built and I hope very much that all sides in this matter can come together and agree on a plan that will ensure that the Blockley Village Shop will continue to serve the local community.”

Photo: from left to right: Chris Walters (Post Office Liaison and Member of Management Committee), Oliver Lincoln (Member of Management Committee), Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP, Pam Merritt (Member of Management Committee), Lord Colwyn, Alan Thornton (Member of Management Committee), Margaret Bryan (Chair of Management Committee), Chris Grimes (Manager), and Rob Willott (Member of Management Committee).