14 May 2024
UN Tax Convention

I believe that international cooperation is important in tackling global tax challenges, and the Government actively engages with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)'s and UN’s work on tax policy.

The Government is committed to ensuring international tax rules and standards are effective as well as inclusive. To this end, the Government has supported consensus-based reform of the international tax rules through the OECD, including through the G20/OECD Inclusive Framework (with over 130 members) and the Global Forum (with over 160 members), in which non-OECD members participate on an equal footing. This reflects the strong expertise that sits within the OECD and the steps taken in recent years to become ever-more inclusive of the needs of developing countries.

I welcome that the amount of unpaid UK tax (the tax gap) is at an all-time low of 4.8 per cent, down from 7.5 per cent in 2005/06. The Government is continuing to tackle tax non-compliance by making further investments, including in HM Revenue and Customs' capacity to collect tax debts. These measures are forecast to raise over £4.5 billion of tax revenue by 2028/29.