2 January 2024
Housing for Older People

I completely agree that the right home can make the world of difference to older people, enabling them to live more independently, safely and with dignity. You are right to stress the impact of unsuitable housing, which can lead to and exacerbate mobility problems and leave people feeling isolated from their community.

Government guidance for local planning authorities is clear that the "size, type and tenure of housing needed for different groups in the community should be assessed and reflected in planning policies". This includes the needs of older people. Following a consultation, the Government has amended this wording to ensure that when considering housing supply, regard is given to those who require retirement housing, housing-with-care and care homes. Ministers have said that, in the longer term, the Government will give further detailed consideration to how national planning policy and/or guidance can further improve the diversity of housing options available to older people and boost the supply of specialist elderly accommodation.

To help improve the supply and diversity of housing options available to older people, the Government's £11.5 billion Affordable Homes Programme (2021-26) features investment in specialist or supported housing, including retirement properties. In addition, the Government has created a taskforce to help improve housing options for older people, chaired by Professor Julienne Meyer. The taskforce will look at ways to provide greater choice, quality and security of housing for older people and is expected to make recommendations to the Government on ways to increase the volume and range of housing options.

Separately, I recognise that home adaptations can make the different between someone being able to continue living in their own home or not. The Government is continuing to provide funding through the Disabled Facilities Grant, which supports the installation of adaptations such as stairlifts, wet rooms and grabrails.

Work continues to help ensure that new homes are built to higher accessibility standards and with the features needed to give people the dignity and security they deserve in their homes. Following a consultation, the Government has announced its intention to alter the Building Regulations to raise accessibility standards in new homes. This will help make sure older people and those with disabilities can find a home that is suitable for their needs. I understand that the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities plans to consult further on technical changes ahead of implementation.